Friday, May 10, 2013

What Led Up to Slavery?

Contingency and accidents that led up to Slavery

Virginia was founded in 1607, it was the land of farming. Many colonist during this time resulted in farming. The main crop they grew was tobacco. Virginia began to prosper in their economy by growing tobacco and exporting it to England. Growing tobacco needed laborers. The only labor that was available for the need was indentured servants. These two combinations of tobacco and indentured servants led up to slavery.
The money made from tobacco led to the growth of more farmers. Tobacco was easy to grow and easy to maintain, it was the main crop in Virginia. Many colonists in Virginia depended on the crop of tobacco, because they used the produce of the tobacco to pay for taxes and to buy imported goods. Many colonists began to see the money making of growing and exporting tobacco.  
Slaves working on a tobacco plant

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